Privacy & Security

FileInvite Now SOC2 Type II Compliant

FileInvite meets global standard of security and privacy - SOC2 Type II.

We're happy to announce that as of today FileInvite is SOC2 Type II compliant. Meaning third-party auditors have verified that we follow best practices with respect to security.

What is SOC2

SOC 2 is an auditing procedure that ensures service providers securely manage data - to protect the interests of their clients and the privacy of their clients' clients. SOC 2 compliance is a minimal requirement when considering a SaaS provider.

What is SOC2 Type II

SOC 2 Type II reports are the most comprehensive certification within the Systems and Organization Controls protocol. Businesses seeking a vendor such as an I.T. services provider will find SOC 2 Type II is the most useful certification when considering a possible service provider’s credentials.


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What's involved?

In order to obtain compliance,  a number of reports and  measures were taken over a period of months: 

  • Working through a Gap Analysis Report produced by a SOC2 auditing company.
  • Implementing policies and procedures with defined controls as to how FileInvite will comply with them.
  • Monitoring and reporting over a 6 month period on their effectiveness.

A company that has achieved SOC 2 Type II certification has proven its system is designed to keep its clients’ sensitive data secure.

We understand the importance of security and are excited to continue our compliance and certification journey across many global standards. 

To learn more and request a demo, visit FileInvite today.

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