Privacy and Cookies Policy

Your privacy and security are important to us.

Part 1: Personal information and privacy


1. Introduction

1.1 This policy applies to the website, and all services we provide, including our automated document collection service provided via the FileInvite platform (collectively, our services). Part 1 describes how we will treat personal information collected or processed by us when anyone uses our services. Part 2 of this policy describes how we use cookies, and Part 3 describes how to get in touch with us.

1.2 In this policy:

 'we' (or 'us' / 'our') means FileInvite Limited, a company incorporated in New Zealand. Our address and contact details are set out in Part 3 of this policy.

Customer” means the person and/or entity identified as the owner or user of a registered account on the Platform;

"End User" means any people, clients, customers or third parties that FileInvite's Customer seeks to gather information from by using the FileInvite platform;

This policy is governed by New Zealand law (refer to paragraph 13) and only people resident in the European Union are entitled as of right to the protections established by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, we have decided to make those protections available to all our Customers and End Users, globally, as set out in this privacy policy.

1.3 The FileInvite platform operates as a hosted document collection service on behalf of other organisations. If an organisation sends an End User an invitation to use the FileInvite platform, in this scenario FileInvite acts only as the data processor. In such cases, the organisation (Customer) that has sent the End User the invite will be the data controller and should be contacted if the End User has any questions about how they process personal information.


2. “Personal Information” and other defined terms

2.1 “Personal Information” (“PI” or “personal data”) means any information that can identify an individual either directly or indirectly (i.e. by reference to other information we have access to). “Personal Health Information” (PHI) is any health records or information of an individual obtained by FileInvite with the consent of the individual.

2.2 The term “processing” includes collection, storage, and the ways we use Personal Information/ Personal Health Information when we provide the FileInvite Platform to End Users.

2.3 “Data controller” means the entity which determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Information and “data processor” means the entity which processes Personal Information on behalf of the data controller. For the purpose of this policy, FileInvite is the data processor of End Users’ Personal Information collected through the FileInvite platform and the organisation (Customer) that has sent the End User the invite will be the data controller and should be contacted if the End User has any questions about how they process Personal Information.


3. Collecting Personal Information 

3.1 We may collect, store and use the following kinds of PI and/or PHI that Customers or End Users provide to us:

  1. information that Customers provide when registering to use our services or completing Customer profiles on our website (including Customer name, address, phone number, company name, company address, company email, company phone number and profile picture);
  2. information that Customers or End Users provide to us when using our services, or that is generated in the course of the use of those services (including personal documents, files, informational content, and the meta data associated with the content);
  3. information that Customers post to our website for publication on the internet (including Customer name, company name, Customer profile picture and Customer contact details);
  4. information contained in or relating to any communications, documents or files that End Users send to us or send through our services (including the content of and meta data associated with those documents, files or communications – referred to in this policy as 'Content'); and
  5. any other Personal Information that Customers or End Users choose to send to us.

3.2 We may collect, store and use the following kinds of Personal Information automatically when End Users use the FileInvite platform:

  1. information about Customer or End User computers and about Customers’ or End Users’ visits to and use of our services (including Customer or End User IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths). We collect this Personal Information by using cookies and other similar technologies. Please refer to Part 2 for further details on our use of cookies.

3.3 We may collect store and use the following kinds of Personal Information we receive from other sources;

  1. when Customer wants to use the FileInvite platform to collect signatures on a document they may provide us with a third party’s email address.

3.4 Before Customers disclose to us the Personal Information of another person, the Customer must obtain that person's consent to both the disclosure and the processing of that Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this policy. This includes where any Content contained in End Users’  documents or files includes Personal Information. In respect of that Content, we will act as a processor of the Personal Information and process and use it only in accordance with Customer instructions. Customers will remain the controller of that information. Where the GDPR applies to that information, then the terms of our Data Processing Addendum (DPA) will apply (as between the Customer and us) and sets out our responsibilities when it comes to our processing activities.

3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, FileInvite's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


4. Using Customer and End User Personal Information

4.1 We rely upon a number of lawful grounds to ensure that our use of Customer or End User Personal Information is compliant with applicable law. We set out the type of Personal Information, purpose for process and the legal grounds below.

  1. Provide Customers with services that Customers have signed up for, including customer support services. Legal Ground: Performance of a contract. This processing is necessary for the performance of the contract with our Customer, where we process Personal Information about other individuals (such as individuals who are sent a document to sign by a Customer through the FileInvite platform) in order to provide our services this processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us in providing services to our Customer.
  2. Administer our website and business and personalize our services for Customers. Legal ground: Legitimate interests. This processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us to administer, manage and develop the FileInvite platform and services.
  3. Send Customers non-marketing commercial communications. Legal ground: Legitimate interests. This processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us to keep Customers informed about changes to our services or terms and conditions.
  4. Send End Users email notifications that Customers have specifically requested. Legal Ground: Consent. Customers have the right to withdraw End User consent at any time.  End Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time by informing the Customer that is requesting their information, and that Customer will inform FileInvite
  5. Send Customers marketing communications relating to our business or the businesses of carefully selected third parties which we think may be of interest to Customers, by post or, where Customers have specifically agreed to this, by email or similar technology. Legal Ground: Consent. Customers can inform us at any time if Customers no longer requires marketing communications.
  6. Deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about Customers or End Users relating to our services. Legal ground: Legitimate interests. This processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us to administer, manage and develop our business and services. 
  7. Keep our website secure and prevent fraud. Legal Ground: Legitimate interest. This processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us to ensure network and information security, manage risks to our business and check the quality of our service; 
  8. Verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including monitoring messages sent through our website messaging service). Legal ground: Legitimate interests. This processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us to administer and manage the FileInvite platform.

4.2 However, we will only use Content (i.e., information contained within documents and files sent by an End User) as strictly necessary to provide our services to a Customer. We will never view, access or use that Content for our own purposes.

4.3 If Customers submit Personal Information for publication on our website, we will publish and otherwise use that information in accordance with the licence Customers grant to us.

4.4 Customer account settings can be used to limit the publication of Customer information on our website.

4.5 We will not, without Customers’ express consent, supply Customer Personal Information to any third party for the purpose of their or any other third party's direct marketing.


5. Disclosing Personal Information

5.1 We may disclose Customer or End User Personal Information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.

5.2 This includes several service providers and sub-processors we use to provide Customers and End Users with our services, or who provide functionality contained within our services. The list of sub-processors and the potential country of data storage will be provided upon request.  5.3 We may disclose Customer or End User Personal Information/ PHI:

  1. to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  2. in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
  3. in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk);
  4. to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset that we are (or are contemplating) selling;
  5. to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that Personal Information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that Personal Information; and
  6. to other people, where we have End User consent to do so.

5.4 Except as provided in this policy, we will not provide Customer nor End User Personal Information to third parties.


6. International data transfers

6.1 Information that we collect may be stored transferred to, and stored or processed in, countries other than the country Customers and End Users live in. As a New Zealand-headquartered company, Customer and End User information will be stored in (or accessible from) New Zealand, but it may also be stored in or accessible from countries where our service providers and sub-processors are located. No matter which countries in the world Customer and End User information is stored in, we take steps to ensure that it is kept secure and only used in accordance with this policy and with applicable privacy laws.

6.2 If Customer or End Users are located in the European Economic Area (EEA), this means that Customer or End User information may be transferred outside the EEA. However, it will only be transferred to countries (like New Zealand) that have been recognised by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection of Personal Information, or to third parties who approved transfer mechanisms in place (such as the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses or by ensuring that the third party has industry recognised privacy certifications ).


7. Retaining Personal Information

7.1 This Section 7 sets out our data retention policies and procedure, which are designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations in relation to the retention and deletion of Personal Information.

7.2 Personal Information that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

7.3 Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 7, we will retain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data:

  1. to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  2. if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
  3. in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).


8. Security of Customer and End User Personal Information

8.1 We will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of Customer and End User Personal Information.

8.2 We will store all the Personal Information Customer and End User provide on our secure password and firewall-protected servers. Further information about our server security can be found at

8.3 All data entered through our website or exchanged via our services will be protected by encryption technology. This includes the Content of any documents or files sent using the FileInvite platform.

8.4 Customers and End Users acknowledge that the transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.

8.5 Customers or End Users are responsible for keeping the password Customers and End Users use for accessing our services confidential; We will not ask for your password (except when logging in to our services).


9. Amendments

9.1 We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.

9.2 Customers and End Users should check this page occasionally to ensure they  are happy with any changes to this policy.

9.3 We may notify End Users of changes to this policy by email or through the logged in area on our website.


10. End User rights

10.1 We are committed to protecting and respecting End User privacy; therefore, we have extended the following rights granted under the GDPR to all users of the FileInvite Platform, regardless of where End Users live End Users can:

  1. ask to receive information regarding the nature, processing and disclosure of End User Personal Information (right to information);
  2. request a copy of End User Personal Information we hold (right to access);
  3. request that we update or corrected user Personal Information held by us at any time (right to rectification);
  4. request, on legitimate grounds, that we erase End User Personal Information (right to erasure);
  5. request, on legitimate grounds, that we restrict the processing of End User Personal Information (right to restrict processing);
  6. ask for a copy of End User Personal Information in machine readable form that supports re-use and End User can request that we transfer End User Personal Information to another data controller (right to data portability);
  7. where our processing of End User Personal Information is based solely on End User consent (refer to section 4 to understand the legal basis we processed user Personal Information), End Users have the right to withdraw user consent at any time (right to withdraw consent). Once we have received notification that an End User has withdrawn End User consent, we will no longer process user information for the purpose or purposes End User originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so; and
  8. If End Users are unhappy with how we are processing the Personal Information, End Users have the right to complain to the End User’s local information protection authority. The End User’s local data protection authority will be able to give the End User more information on how to submit a complaint (right to lodge a complaint). 

If an End User wishes to exercise any End User rights, please contact us using the details set out in Part 3.


11. Third party websites

11.1 Our website includes hyperlinks to, code snippets from, and details of, third party websites.

11.2 We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties.


12. Updating information

12.1 Please let us know if the Personal Information that we hold about End Users needs to be corrected or updated.


13. NZ law

13.1 Subject to the rights Customers and End Users may have under the GDPR and HIPAA, this policy is governed by the laws of New Zealand and submit to the jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.


Part 2: Cookies

1. About cookies

1.1 A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

1.2 Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

1.3 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but Personal Information that we store about Customers or End Users may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

1.4 Cookies can be used by web servers to identity and track users as they navigate different pages on a website and identify users returning to a website.


2. Our cookies

2.1 We use both session and persistent cookies on our website.

2.2 The purposes for which they are used, are set out below:

  1. recognize a computer when a Customer or End User visits the website
  2. track Customer or End User as they navigate the website
  3. improve the website's usability
  4. analyses the use of the website
  5. administer the website
  6. prevent fraud and improve the security of the website
  7. personalize the website for each Customer or End User;


3. Analytics cookies

3.1 We use Google Analytics, to analyse the use of our website.

3.2 Our analytics service providers generate statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies.

3.3 The analytics cookies used by our website currently have the following names: _ga, _gat.

3.4 The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website.

3.5 Our analytics service provider's privacy policy is available at:


4. Blocking cookies

4.1 Most browsers allow Customers or End Users to refuse to accept cookies. Customers or End Users should check their browser settings for more details

4.2 Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.

4.3 If Customers or End Users block cookies, they will not be able to use all the features on our website.


5. Deleting cookies

5.1 Customers or End Users can delete cookies already stored on their computer. Customers or End Users should check their browser settings for more details.

5.2 Deleting cookies will have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.

5.3 If Customers or End Users delete cookies, they will not be able to use all the features on our website.


Part 3: Our details

1. Our details

1.1 The services are provided by FileInvite Limited.

1.2 We are a company registered in New Zealand with company registration number 4429222.

If Customers or End Users are resident outside the European Union:

1.3 Our registered office and principal place of business is at Level 3, 8 Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.

1.4 Our registered postal address is PO Box 12433, Penrose, Auckland 1642, New Zealand. End user should contact the Customer (the organisation through which information is uploaded/ provided on FileInvite platform. 


Date last updated: 26th January 2023

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